How Walking By The Water Will Instantly Boost Your Mood (And Immunity)

Today's look:

Hi everyone,

We've probably all be told at least once or twice that fresh air is great for us. I mean, I LITERALLY have my mother saying "go out and get some fresh air" engraved in my head. All I know is that with everything going on now, the woman had a point.

I don't know how you've been adjusting to the new norms but I for one have been taking A LOT of walks. In between my half marathon training and daily yoga workouts, I have found there is nothing more mind-clearing than a long walk. No matter what route I take I always make it a point to pass by water on my way. Not only is the scenery gorgeous but there are IMMENSE health benefits to being around water. I know. I never knew about the correlation either until a few months ago. However, it makes SO much sense and after you read this post you'll realize why the sound of ocean waves instantly uplifts your mood:

2 Words: Negative Ions

This is probably one of the few instances where the word "negative" actually implies a good thing. Without getting too scientific, negative ions are electrically charged elements that float around in certain areas of nature and have a great effect on the human body. Why? They counteract the positive ions (these are bad) that occur in our bodies because of everyday life. You encounter positive ions through the electricity used in phones, fluorescent lighting, paint, carpet, and pollution, especially if you live in a city. These positive ions build up and cause poor mood, higher inflammation in the body, and even weaken the immune system. Not good, especially for a time like now.

Back to the negative: While the biggest abundance of negative ions occurs in beach waves and thunderstorms, negative ions also occur in UV light from the sun and in plants as they grow. So what does that mean? Even if you don't live beachfront (though I wish we all did...) taking a walk surrounded by nature under the sun has the same effect! Walking around any moving body of water creates a positive effect on your health. And actually, walking outside after a thunderstorm is just about the best thing you can do to boost your mood via these negative ions.

How To Reduce Positive Ions

It is pretty hard to escape carpeting, upholstery, and paint as much as we can try. Reducing electronic usage and using natural lighting for as long of the day as possible are 2 sure ways to reduce positive ions in your everyday life. Keeping windows open day and night allow for a great flow of fresh air and may even improve your night's sleep (if you live in a nature abundant area).

How To Increase Negative Ions In Your Home

Working from home, along with all of life's other responsibilities, may not allow for you to take the 3 walks per day you may feel inclined to take after reading all the positive benefits of negative ions. That's okay! You can increase negative ions in your home by:

  1. Indoor Plants
    Like mentioned before, negative ions occur in plants as they grow. Bringing nature inside has nothing but positive benefits for your physical and mental health. Increase your indoor plant count to bring in more negative ions to your living space!
  2. Home Waterfalls
    Moving water is not only relaxing to hear but will also improve your mood in a small quantity of the way waterfalls in nature do. Even if the benefits are small, having your home sound like a spa is also great for the mood (in my book at least).
  3. Negative Ion Promotive Crystals
    I love surrounding my WFH desk with negative ion promoting crystals like amethyst and tourmaline. I also love keeping shungite by my laptop as it is known for its ability to protect from harmful EMFs. Plus, they're great decor! You can shop my picks below:

Opt for Natural Over Synthetic

Contrary to the above, you may have heard of indoor negative ionizers or that Himalayan salt lamps produce the same amounts of negative ions. Indoor negative ionizers when heavily used can actually create a dangerous amount of negative ions, something that can never be produced naturally. Himalayan salt lamps, although I love mine, should not be relied on solely to receive negative ions as they produce such small quantities, if any. Always opt for a walk outside, even if short, instead!

Going Back To The Roots

This one may sound like I'm preaching my plant-based, hippy ways but hear me out. As human beings, we are meant to live surrounded by nature! Just as you feel better eating whole foods that aren't processed, you also feel better being in the elements. Any time spent out in nature is a natural mood booster, walking by moving water just adds a little extra boost because of all the positive benefits it offers.


If you needed a sign to head out for a walk today, this was it! I hope you're inspired. Hell, I inspired myself and think I'm going to head out for my walk now.

Stay safe and well, everyone! xo.

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